
目前显示的是 十一月, 2021的博文

How To Choose The CNC Router Work Table?

Generally, there are three types of CNC router tables. Aluminum T-slot CNC router machine table, full vacuum CNC router machine table, and T-slot vacuum table. So which one is the most suitable CNC router machine table for you? How to distinguish them? Let us look at the wooden cnc router table design. The following is the introduction of three types of cnc wooden tables. What is a T-slot work table? The T-slot contour fixed table is a way to fix the workpiece on the table by manually tightening the screws. The profile table is an aluminum profile with a T-slot at the bottom and a layer of PVC material on the top. Then use a splint to fix the workpiece to be engraved on the worktable so that it can be fixed arbitrarily according to the size and thickness of the workpiece. Advantages: It has the characteristics of low cost, flexible method, cost-saving, and the price is lower than the price of the vacuum table. Disadvantages: The aluminum T-slot workbench takes longer to fix the workpi

Sheet Metal Laser Cutting Machine Buyers’ Guide 2021

The fiber laser cutting machine is a machine that meets the cutting requirements. Its monochromaticity, good directivity, and high energy concentration have a huge impact on the development of the entire society. With the increasingly stringent metal cutting standards, fiber laser cutting machines are increasingly recognized by metal processing users. Once a tool strictly used for industrial purposes, now you can find laser cutting machines in schools, maker spaces, and even homes. Check our buying guide to find the best  sheet metal fiber laser cutting machine  on the market. What is the sheet metal laser cutting machine? Computer numerical control (CNC) laser cutting is a sheet metal manufacturing process performed by a CNC laser cutting machine. The main form of sheet metal laser cutting is “vaporized cutting”, in which a laser beam melts the material and high-pressure gas removes the melted material. The 3 main types of laser cutting machines are flying optics; moving mate

Benefits of CNC Router | Why Need A CNC Router

How a CNC router can provide value for you? CNC router machines can be a major investment in your workshop, but the benefits they provide can make up for costs by increasing efficiency, reducing waste, etc. For small companies in the field of production and manufacturing, CNC technology is an ideal opportunity to gain a competitive advantage. To succeed in an increasingly competitive industry, you will need to understand the importance of technology, because equipment such as CNC router machines can revolutionize your business operations and unlock many advantages. Why your store needs a  CNC router  (Benefits of CNC router machining) Improve efficiency Time is money for all businesses, but this is especially true for small businesses where profit margins are usually much smaller. In a given week, the number of projects completed in a month or a quarter can have a significant impact on your overall profitability at the end of the year. Efficiency is a key issue in any manufacturing ind

The Complete Guide for Industrial Laser Cutting Machine

  The laser cutting machine revolutionized the manufacturing industry. They can perfectly recreate the designs made on the computer in minutes or even seconds. Laser cutting technology uses lasers to cut materials. This technology is deeply loved by enthusiasts and is also widely used in industrial applications. Let’s take a look at what an industrial laser cutting machine is, the different types of lasers that exist, and the results they can achieve. What is an industrial laser cutting machine? A laser cutting machine is a kind of CNC machine tool. CNC stands for Computer Numerical Control. The name comes from the fact that CNC machines take commands from drawings that have been digitized and converted into computer language describing every angle and curve of the design. After completing the drawing in the computer rendering program, all the designer has to do is send the design to the machine. This is much like sending an image file to a typical printer. Most importantly, the laser

CNC Metal Cutting Machine Complete Guide 2021

 What is a CNC metal cutting machine? What issues need to be considered when purchasing or customizing metal CNC machine tools? In this article, we will introduce to you all aspects of metal CNC machine tools in detail. Hope that after reading this article, you can find the most suitable metal CNC machine tool and processing method for you. What is a CNC metal cutting machine? Computer numerical control metal cutting methods mainly include laser, flame, plasma, and etc cutting methods. Among them, fiber laser and plasma metal cutting machines are the most popular. According to the optimized cutting program provided by the CNC nesting software, automatic, high-efficiency and high-quality cutting can be realized. CNC metal cutting represents modern high-tech production methods. Metal cutting CNC machine tools are the product of the combination of advanced computer numerical control technology and cutting machinery. Compared with traditional manual cutting, metal cutting CNC mach